I was in my room when I heard the sound of the post coming through, there it was the small package from that brightened up my day.
I opened eagerly the package and I could not believe my eyes!! What a beautiful tiny crochet broach... and the little bag!! It is extremely gorgeous. And this lovely Angel is Gina, who was very kind to have sent me something made with love and with her own hands and one day, I hope to learn how to make those beautiful small flowers, God bless your hands Gina.
Estaba en mi habitacion cuando escuche el sonido del cartero, y ahi estaba, el pequeño paquete que ilumino mi dia!
Abri el paquete con mucha ansiedad y no podia creer lo que mis ojos estaban viendo!! Un hermoso y diminuto broche en crochet y una bolsita de tela espectacular! Su creadora Gina quien, lo elaboro con amor y con sus propias manos, ojala algun dia, yo aprenda a tejer asi de lindo!